Keyboard Controls:

Arrows - select menu items / tiles
X/V - confirm / flip tile
Z/C - back / place or remove warning


It's Minesweeper by way of Chess - reveal all the safe tiles without revealing any bombs. Revealed tiles will show a chess piece and a number, the number indicates how many bombs are within the chess piece's movement range. 
A normal game has 9 bombs and a random mix of chess pieces.

There are also 3 alternate modes:

  • Oldschool - 13 bombs, all kings (this is just regular minesweeper)
  • Knightmare - 13 bombs, all knights (this is terrible)
  • Too Many Queens - 5 bombs, all queens (this one is the worst)

I made this as a learning exercise, it might not be particularly fun but it seems to work and I'm pretty happy with that.

Published 9 days ago
Made withPICO-8
TagsChess, minesweeper, PICO-8
Average sessionA few minutes


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Yeah, Knightmare is pretty bad, isn't it? :-)

I was going to complain that the main game is basically "find a zero, use it to find more zeroes, until you're done", but I have to admit there's kind of more to the (pardon the term) endgame than that.  What seemed like it ought to be obvious ended up pretty darned engaging!

Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you got something out of it.

It did take a little bit of testing to get the balance right on the number of bombs to prevent it from being too easy or too reliant on random guessing.